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Korrith's Diary
Korrith's Diary
A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages.
Scribbles from Saturday, 24 March 2007
I am afflicted with a lethargy unlike any I've really known before. I feel unmotivated to even wake up, much less go and train as I feel I now should some more.

Fondour has been accepted into the 22 (Not for the first time, I understand). I think he'll make a fine member indeed. He's certainely progressed significantly as a member of Valorn's adventuring population, and has risen from the man I once knew as the founder of the TGP (That I considered a rival to the FOLLOW) to a respected Iron Knight and popular warrior figure. His journey from his roots to his current self certainly impresses me.

Apparently talks are in progress to have Ethucan and Valorn once more united. This would please me greatly, and the possibility of exploring Ethucan once more and seeing more of it would almost definitely pull me out of my current sleepy being.
Korrith wrote this at 07:51. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
034895 people love Korrith, and his shiny bald head